Enquanto nós por cá, no que às Regiões diz respeito, continuamos a marcar passo, noutras paragens (Reino Unido) a agenda política regional tem hoje outra dimensão.
"How far regional European strategies are able to produce substantive change will depend on a number of factors outside the direct control of regional institutions. Central government continues to dominate the UK’s position on EU policy and decisions taken in the Council of Ministers have the potential to substantially alter the opportunities available to regions in Europe. Thus thorough lobbying of actors at both national and supra-national levels has to be part of any region’s approach.
Two common themes appear on the agendas of regional strategic policy making bodies:
One objective shared by several regions is the enhancement of their European and international profiles. This objective relates to the ‘selling’ of a region as a location for inward investment, to the promotion of regional commercial interests in continental Europe and beyond, and to the ability of each region to project a distinctive presence and pursue interests in Brussels.
A second theme centres on the cohesion policy debate and the future of EU regional policy post 2006".
Fonte - Devolution and Constitutional Change